Revision sinus surgery may be needed for patients with chronic sinus problems who have not responded well to medical therapies and are still exhibiting symptoms after an endoscopic sinus surgery. Revision sinus surgery is used to straighten a deviated septum; treat sinusitis; remove polyps that are blocking the sinus cavity; enlarge holes that sinuses drain through; remove the walls between the sinuses to make them bigger; and create new openings to make it easier for mucus to drain.
What to expect
Patients can expect a very similar experience to the one they had when they previously underwent endoscopic sinus surgery. This time, however, anatomical landmarks within the sinuses can be distorted, altered or just not there anymore from the previous surgery. As the doctor uses the endoscope to clear infected sinuses, the image is projected ontoa monitor? to show the doctor exactly where the probe is. The procedure is usually done under general anesthesia and you can expect to go home the same day.
How to Prepare
The doctor will advise you about any medications that need to be discontinued before the procedure. You will not be allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight the evening before the procedure.
Preparation is required for the time after the procedure. You will have to arrange for a ride home. Once home, you must rest to prevent serious bleeding, although some bleeding and drainage after the surgery is normal. A humidifier is encouraged to keep the nose moist. The doctor will advise you about any follow-up visits and when you can return to work.